17 July 2015

Sometimes a date is not just a date

We have anniversaries to celebrate certain occasions. The downside of this is that there are dates in the year that reminds us of things that we do not need to be reminded of. I have several dates in the year that I do not like, today is definitely one of them.

04 July 2015

A huge thank you from the heart...

Yesterday I got to witness 153 students graduate. It was an honour to see them shine one last time at our school. They have worked so hard for this moment and to see them cross the finish line was priceless.

My students and their parents have been thanking me through words and gifts. Although I do appreciate this, it is me who need to thank them.The parents trusted me to guide their precious child and my students have brought joy to my life every single day.

To my dearest students: 
Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives during the time that you were at our school. The memories that we have made are captured in my heart. I wish you all the best for the next phase of your bright life. Keep on shining like a star!

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