23 July 2012

Counting down...

Bye bye Blouberg :-(

My last weekend in Cape Town was a very good weekend. Despite of missing out on seeing Plush perform, the weekend has been a very good ending of my return to Cape Town.

21 July 2012

Plush: more than 'just' a band


My favourite band from South Africa is Plush. My big bro Emelio happens to be the bass player of the band, but this is not why I like them so much. I genuinely like their music and enjoy their performances. During my time as an intern in Cape Town, I basically forced every YFC IVI (international volunteer and intern) to listen to their albums day in and day out.  I should have asked them for royalties, ‘cause I made sure that the IVI’s didn’t leave South Africa without buying all their albums J

18 July 2012


My favourite street in South Africa

Ever since the first day that I arrived in Cape Town, I instantly felt connected with one place: Blouberg (Blaauwberg in Afrikaans). The YFC Cape Town IVI (international volunteers and interns) house finds itself in this area. I can still remember the very first day that this place concurred my heart: February 13th 2008. The view from the house is one of my favourite sights in the whole wide  world. It looks over the ocean with Table Mountain on your left and Robben Island straight in front of you. It is obvious that it’s a gorgeous location, but what is it about this place that has imprinted itself on my soul?

16 July 2012

And so life continues…

The last time that I wrote to you was when I was 27. Now, at 28, I don’t feel any different than when I was a year younger. The day that I wanted to pass by so fast, is in the past now. It is literally an end of an era for me. Life happens, whether you want it or not. You just need to learn how to deal with the things that are thrown at you.

11 July 2012

A day like any other day

I’ve made it perfectly clear that I want tomorrow to pass by, since it is a day like any other day. People around me don’t seem to get it though. I know what I want and especially what I don’t want. Why can’t people just let me be?!?!?

Ariel and catching up with J&J

It is no secret that my favourite movie of all time is Disney’s the Little Mermaid. It was the first movie that I’ve ever seen in the theatre and I can honestly admit that I’ve watched the movie over 3000 times. What is it about this movie that gets an (almost) 28 year old woman so intrigued?

09 July 2012

Good to be back in Cape Town

It's so good to see 'my kids' again!

I’ve been in South Africa for a couple of days now and it is really good to be back. Here’s a brief sum up of what I’ve been up to.

04 July 2012

Happy Independence Day!

The 4th of July is the day that the Americans celebrate their independence. In 2012, it is also the date that I’m returning to Cape Town. Exactly four years ago, I was celebrating this American holiday with  my friends from all over the world at my house in Blouberg. As I just got back home in Cape Town literally two hours ago, it is nice to think back at these fond memories.

To all my American friends:
Happy Independence Day!

03 July 2012

Returning home

Can't wait to see 'my kids' again

I've always said that the Netherlands is my home country and that I have several places in this world that I call home.  'Home is where the heart is' could be a phrase for my memoire;  I've been blessed to be able to travel around and meet people who have become friends and some whom I even consider as my family. I'm about to return to one of the places that I call home: Cape Town.

02 July 2012

Bye bye Enter…

For someone who doesn't like goodbyes, I'm sure not making it easier for myself by creating these situations regularly. Although I'm very excited to pursue my career as an English teacher after the summer, saying goodbye to my career as a youth worker is bittersweet. I guess that this is a good thing, because when it's difficult to say goodbye, it means that the time that you've had with the people has been good. This is why I'm dedicating this post to my (former) colleagues and my dedicated volunteers.

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