It looks like there’s another Secret Santa out there for me. I came home to find this present from an unknown sender in the mail today...
I opened it to find out who it’s from, but all I found was a beautiful journal. It is the same kind as I currently have, but this one is purple (I have brown/orange wooden colour now). I’ve been wracking my brain over who could have been the one to send me this gift. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I desperately want to know who it’s from.
I love it and really want to know who it's from! |
Hundreds of names have crossed my mind, but it all led to dead ends. I have even called the shop where my Secret Santa ordered this journal for me, but he or she specifically requested to stay anonymous.
It’s pretty odd to me, because this person must know me well. The journal that I’m currently writing in is almost full, but how could this person have known this? I’ve only told one person about this and he is definitely not the one behind it. And this person already anticipated that I would contact the shop, therefore ordered them not to reveal his or her identity.
I’m a bit confused and curious at the same time. I don’t like not knowing something that I want to know. Nevertheless, I’m very grateful for whomever has caused all this mysteriousness... it’s a very thoughtful gift that suits me well. So whoever you are, if you’re reading this:
Hopefully you’ll reveal yourself sooner or later!